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Fourth Grade Growth & Development

Fourth Grade Personal Growth and Development Class is scheduled for late January.The fourth grade classes at Columbia Ridge and Grant Elementary schools will participate in the annual Personal Growth and Development Class this spring. This class is taught by school nurses and school counselors with help from our fourth grade teachers. Boys and girls are taught separately. Class dates are:

Columbia Ridge Elementary School: Afternoon of Friday, February 28, 2025 
Grant Elementary School: Afternoon of Friday, March 14, 2025 

Parents/guardians have the right to preview the materials used in the class. Those that wish to opt their child out of this presentation should call their child's school or complete the "Opt Out" form below.

We encourage you to mark this date on your calendar and talk with your student when they come home from school about any additional questions they may have after participating in the class. Students will be given a question card to prompt conversation and sent home with hygiene product sample(s).

If you have any additional questions, please contact your child's school:

Columbia Ridge Elementary: (509) 754-2882 or email Columbia Ridge.
Grant Elementary: (509) 754-4676 or email Grant Elementary.

Personal Growth & Development Teaching Materials

Always Changing and Growing Up - Girls Puberty Education Video

Always Changing and Growing Up - Boys Puberty Education Video

Consent and Communication Video

Opt Out Of Personal Growth & Development Education

Parents/Guardians that wish to Opt Out of Personal Growth & Development Education, please click on the button below.

Opt Out of Personal Growth & Development Education